Fulfillment Framework

Live More by Doing Less 


Can we admit the secret to the Freedom we crave isn’t working harder and producing more? That’s what chips away at our Freedom and adds to our overwhelm in the first place.

When we come from the perspective of constantly needing to work harder, it leaves us feeling like there’s never enough time, or worse, that we’re not enough.

What if I told you having more “whitespace” on your calendar is the key to more freedom (time and financial), less frustration, and a whole lot more fun?

Master Your Time Freedom Workshop

January 6, 2022
12:00 PM- 2:00 PM ET


Create a different approach to success. Less can be the new more if we give it a chance.  

Research shows that when you focus on less, you actually achieve more. It’s FOCUSED time that creates the greatest impact. It’s not doing more, it’s doing what’s most important.

If overwhelm has become “just the way it is,” this workshop is for you.

During The Master Your Time Freedom Workshop, You’ll Discover:

  • How to TIME BLOCK in a way that works for YOU 
  • Tips to PROTECT YOUR TIME so you can get more done with less stress 
  • How to establish BOUNDARIES and effectively communicate them 
  • Ways to minimize distractions so that you can maximize PRODUCTIVITY 
  • How more whitespace on your calendar is the key to more FREEDOM  

There are 24-hours in a day. That is non-negotiable.

Let’s get you focused on more of what you want and stop the shoulding all over yourself.


The Master Your Time Freedom Workshop will provide you with the tools to increase your FREEDOM, improve your ENERGY, and create more BALANCE.   


Hi, I’m Lisa Danforth, Business Strategist, and Leadership Vision Coach. My mission is to help business owners and leaders develop a saner approach to success. One that helps them stop overcommitting themselves and under committing to their goals, priorities, and most important relationships. My clients can confidently and consistently work towards tomorrow while staying present and connected to what and who matters most today.