

Coach | Speaker

I believe it’s possible to have both a thriving personal life AND a thriving professional life. 

My Story

As a 30-year entrepreneur, I’ve certainly learned a thing or two over the years…and for some reason, it was often the hard way!

I hoped that if I just worked harder and pushed more, I could eventually get to the other side, create balance, and finally…feel some ease in my business.

Hope is not a good strategy.

Prior to Coaching, I was a caterer it was a fun job that allowed me to be creative, travel around the state, and build a very successful boutique catering company.

Have you ever been in a place in your life where, even though things are good…something is missing, lacking fulfillment and fun?

While I was successful, I was also working 10-12 hour days, often 6 days a week (ok, 7)

I was missing many of the activities my kids were participating in.

I remember when my kids would come to me and ask me to do something with them, I’d tell them just 10-more minutes…and when they wouldn’t come and get me after that 10-minutes, I thought, score! I can get one more thing done.

Eventually, I realized that was NOT the personI wanted to be.

My business was very successful, but I was burnt out, checked out, overwhelmed & exhausted…and, at times…a bit prickly with the ones I loved.

Can you relate? 

Let’s change that. 

Isn’t it it time to build a business that will sustain the life you want, not consume it?

My journey as a 30-year 5-time entrepreneur started at the age of 8….


At the age of 8, I knew I wanted to be an entrepreneur.


Became an independent contractor at the age of 13, picking fruits and vegetables at a local farm stand “Farm To You” and eventually worked my way up to managing the stand.


Headed off to University of Southern Maine for a Bachelor of Business.


Started a professional cleaning service while in college so could work around my schedule and make a decent living.


Started a childrenswear company called Bottom Buddies. The first product was a diaper cover, then we moved to a full clothing line up to size 7.


The Wooden Spoon boutique catering company was born. We specialized in high-end hors d’oeuvers.


Hot Betty BBQ was born. After the economic downturn of 2008, we received many requests for lower cost events. Instead of lowering our prices and competing with ourself, we started a separate division to accommodate more budget-friendly events.


I completed my certification at Coaches Training Institute (CTI) to become a certified Co-Active Coach, working part-time alongside my catering business.


January of 2016 I launched my coaching practice full-time.


Completed the Playing Big Facilitators training with Tara Mohr.

Started my professional speaking career.



Became a Certified The ONE Thing facilitator.

Launched Structure for Success Program,  a new model for success.



Launched Boundaries Bootcamp for Women.

Why Work With Me?

My clients have dubbed me, ’the hand-holding ass kicker’… just the right amount of push with a dose of love. 

I bring compassionate curiosity and a healthy dose of humor to my coaching … with graceful accountability* that motivates and inspires you to be the best version of yourself, without apology.

*Graceful accountability- don’t beat yourself up, don’t let yourself off the hook. 

Giving back is important to me…

Supporting women to care for themselves and their families is at the heart of my business model. So I participate in pro-bono speaking events, and I also support local organizations that are dedicated to providing food and safe shelter to those who otherwise have no or limited access, including Safe Voices and The Vermont Food Bank.