” With Lisa’s guidance, I was able to get very clear on my goals, understand how they fit with my values, and determine what I need to do to reach them.” Heather Frechette-Crowley – Root Marketing
Negotiating with Confidence
Negotiating with Confidence As an entrepreneur or business owner, we’re negotiating for more than we realized…and the first negotiation always starts with ourselves.
Give the Gift of Transparency
Give the Gift of Transparency Communication is often an area where we trip up in business because it can feel uncomfortable to set structures and boundaries in place letting people know what our non-negotiables are.
You Can’t Keep One Foot on Shore and One on the Boat
You Can’t Keep One Foot on Shore and One on the Boat In order to achieve the success we want, we need to be willing to burn the boat.
Boundaries Without Apology
Boundaries Without Apology We often avoid and don’t maintain boundaries because we don’t fully understand what they are or how to use them.