Knowing Your Values
As Oscar Hammerstein II wrote in the musical South Pacific:
“You got to have a dream. If you don’t have a dream, how you gonna have a dream come true?”
In my last blog, I shared three tips to help you with your priority management so that you can confidently move towards your dream.
Want to know the rocket fuel for consistently staying focused on your priorities, and hence, make your dream come true?
Know Your Values
I know, I know…not so sexy but hear me out.
Clarifying your values is a way to create a map that will guide you along the decisions in your life…so that at the end of your day, there’s more life to your day.
In other words: values help you put your priorities first so that you stop ‘shoulding’ all over yourself, unhook from what others think and intentionally create a life & business that allows you to thrive, not just survive.
Now THAT’S SEXY, right?
Yeah, I thought so.
Values are present in or absent from the choices you make each day.
An instructor once said to me, “Show me your calendar and checkbook, and I’ll show you what’s important to you.”
No arguing that one.
I tried.
Living your values means being true to and authentic to yourself. No easy feat these days with perfectionism, having it all and looking fabulous while doing it is a common expectation.
There will be times you’ll feel some discomfort as you lean into and honor your values (choosing to follow your values, unapologetically, will most certainly upset the status quo), but it will pass and a sense of integrity & congruency will ignite your fire within as you expand into your dream.
Do you know your values?
Here’s a ‘short-list’ of Values to look at, think over, and see if they ‘fit.’
Here are a couple of examples of values in action:
- If you value respect for others, you’re more apt to instill self-control when you’re stressed or under pressure from a deadline, instead of snapping at an employee (or family member)
- If you hold integrity as a value, you’ll more likely take responsibility for a mistake even if it means receiving criticism.
Check out the list above and choose 3-5 values. Keep in mind that you can often have groupings of values that will go under one main value. If you want more of a selection, check out Brene Brown’s list of values from her most recent book, ‘Dare to Lead.’
Ready to put them into action?
Alignment Activity for Values:
Set aside some time to journal on these questions after clarifying each of your values. Go over each one individually and ask yourself:
- Where is this value showing up in my life?
- How am I honoring this value each day?
- How do I embody this value in my choices and actions each day? (Example: if I were congruent with my value of self-care, I would make to schedule time with my girlfriends who feed my soul.)
Keep track weekly or monthly with how you’re honoring each of these values, on a scale of 1-10 (ten being the most) and what the obstacles are that are getting in the way.
Clarity is key…with clarity comes awareness. With awareness comes better choices, with better choices comes…better results.
Could you use some help honing your values? I offer a mini-intensive to help women clarify their values and create a plan for how to live them every day. Let’s chat! You can book a time to connect with me here.