
Thanks so much for your Clarity Consult application.  I’ll be contacting you soon!

Meanwhile, please have a look around my site. The Resources page is full of inspiration and below are some articles I think you might also find helpful:

Thermostat vs. Thermometer

Thermostat vs. Thermometer What's the difference between the two? The thermostat sets the temperature. The thermometer reacts to the environment, fluctuating up and down. I use this simple analogy when working with my clients. If you're...

Doing vs. Not Doing

Doing VS. Not Doing. Not doing something requires constant self-control. When you want to change a behavior or habit, set and focus on a positively framed intention, NOT a negatively framed intention. Often, when we’re working on changing...

Values Guide Your Choices

Values Guide Your Choices

https://vimeo.com/477598352 Your vision is where you're headed, but your values are what help get you there. When you're at a crossroads, if there's a hard decision that you need to make, leaning into your values, knowing what is most important to you will help you...

The Invisible Line That Shapes Your Life

Your life is being shaped by what you’re saying “YES” to and what you are saying “NO” to. With each “YES” and “NO,” you are ‘setting in’ the invisible line of boundaries that shape your choices, opportunities,...

One Small Habit That Will Improve Your Communication

One Small Habit That Will Improve Your Communication

Today we’re continuing on the conversation of habits. The habit I’m highlighting today is the habit of communication, the way we listen. How we participate and listen in a conversation impacts how the other person shows up, the information they share with us, as well...

How to Minimize Distractions

I'm continuing my conversation of habits because they're what help us create the success that we want in life, personal as well as professional. One of the things I find that gets in the way of the success we're working so...

How To Be More Consistent With Your Habits

Many people value the present more than they value the future; an instant reward often gets in the way. That reward is only a possibility in the future; it's a sure thing at the moment. Let's use, for example, having a glass of wine at the...

How Shame Shapes Success

How Shame Shapes Success

 How Shame Shapes Success “Shame is a soul-eating emotion.” – Carl Jung Shame. It’s a universal phenomenon; we all experience it at times. It can keep us chasing perfectionism, spinning in imposter syndrome, and sprinting into lockdown mode. Recall a time when you...